When was V-ICT-OR formed?
V-ICT-OR was born in 2001.
Is membership for the individual or the authority? The membership is individual, but the fee is paid by the employer. We charge
EUR 300 for the first member and EUR 35 for all the following members of the same local authority .
How many authorities do you represent? We represent 214 authorities (of 300) in Flanders
How many members do you have? We have 1000 members.
Do you have members not employed by the public sector? We only allow full membership to people employed in the public sector.
Do you have any mission/objectives/scope for V-ICT-OR? V-ICT-OR has five principal objectives:
Do you have any staff or is the Society run by volunteers?
The members of the board are volunteers and chosen by the V-ICT-OR members. We have 2 staff and 1 projectworker
V-ICT-OR - info@v-ict-or.be
LOLA - info@lola-online.org